Your credit card on file will be charged to confirm your scheduled day and time frame to have a confidential discussion. Your electronic signature, agreeing your electronic signature suffices as your hand written signature, expiration date, and security code must accompany the form to be valid.
Due to the unusual nature of some discussions, sensitive topics, and client needs from the Mental Performance Coach scope of work, the estimated time could vary.
- Client must provide full disclosure of the situation to the Mental Performance Coach.
- Client must provide what client wants to accomplish during the discussion and the Mental Performance Coach must agree to the scope of work immediately at the start of the discussion. If not, time is still occurring, an agreement of what is to be discussed and accomplished during discussion.
- Client is entitled to say they just want an ear and be heard with no action plan, game plan, next steps from the Mental Performance Coach. This also must be disclosed at the very start of the discussion.
- Client must pay in full at the completion of each discussion, and any feeling or thoughts revolving around a less than 100% satisfaction must be implied prior to the end of the discussion to the Mental Performance Coach.
- The Mental Performance Coach is often asked to perform tasks that border on, and sometimes cross, the impossible. The Mental Performance Coach will not be responsible if the Client’s feelings are hurt, if the Client does not listen or hear what is being conveyed from the Mental Performance Coach, if the Client will not work on what the Client needs to (in other words has a closed mind).
- The Mental Performance Coach may end the discussion at any time if the Client or The Mental Performance Coach determines/needs a cool down period. Note – full charge for the discussion session will be charged and the 100% guarantee is null and void. Examples which might cause this: if the Client becomes hostile, argumentative, manipulating, verbally abusive, threatening to others and/or one self, excessive use of profanity, the use of G*d D@mn, racial slurs, degrading talk about women, men, and/or children, religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, age, education, skill level, and cultural background. In other words, live by the GOLDEN RULE – treat others how you want to be treated. The Mental Performance Coach understands sometimes the situation may have gotten the best of you, you have been hurt or scarred deeply, you may be charged or fired up. The Mental Performance Coach wants to work with you to de-escalate the mental situation and get you to a better mindset.
- The cool down period (if needed) will be a minimum of 24 hours. Unless the Mental Performance Coach determines a shorter or longer time frame which will be decided on the best interests of both parties.
- If the Client does not provide full disclosure at there start, which takes additional time to fully understand the mental situation, the Client will be billed for time spent to understand all of the players, direct and indirect factors, number of levels and dimensions of the mental situation. The 100% guarantee with this also becomes null and void. In other words, if the Mental Performance Coach, learns of important information was withheld and/or omitted, the 100% guarantee is null and void. Example, if multiple discussions have been completed regarding the situation of a toxic work place due to a narcissistic boss or coach, and a game plan has been formulated and the Client is taking action of mental conditioning, and the Client has some erratic behavior of their own, and after further discussion the Client decides to share that they are bi-polar and stopped taking their medication or the Client uses drugs and decided to go off on their boss or coach, this would be considered lack of common sense. The 100% guarantee would be null and void. Also, the time spent by the Mental Performance Coach for the further discussion and any time spent outside of the discussion to figure out what is really going on will be billed accordingly.
- The Client is encouraged, when needed, to submit documentation, pictures, and videos prior to a discussion timeframe. It is expected this additional information to be submitted at a minimum of at least six (6) calendar days prior to the discussion timeframe. This will allow the Mental Performance Coach to review, make notes, and align with the Clients objectives and goals. Also to have a productive discussion. The Mental Performance Coach will log when the review of documentation, pictures, and videos occur. An additional authorization will occur at the time of review and the Clients credit card will be charged for the time spent from the Mental Performance Coach on a per hour basis. The client can request to have an approximate time frame prior to the review. Keep in mind the Mental Performance Coach is efficient and it may take longer than originally planned. The Mental Performance Coach buckles down and gets to work (clock starts) and when stops (clock stops). Depending on the size and scope, this may occur a few times over the six (6) day period prior to the discussion time. Also, the Mental Performance Coach may want or need to reach out prior with any questions for clarification or the need for additional information. Prompt responses from the Client are expected. Delays in response from the Client can effect the outcome of the review, understanding, and potentially the flow of the scheduled discussion time.
- Any liability of any nature is limited to $100.00 per Client, regardless of frequency, occurrences, or magnitude. This includes: any reaching for reasons, excuses, finger pointing, or blaming. In other words, if you are lazy or have a bad attitude and won’t work with the Mental Performance Coach, it’s on you. The Mental Performance Coach wants to see you win; you have to want to win too.
- The Mental Performance Coach may use creative methods to enhance your Mental Skills to make you better and stronger mentally.
- The Mental Performance Coach cannot be responsible for the Clients hurt feelings, bad feelings, obsessions, can’t let go, can’t move on mentality. Example, a company has wronged you badly and they are dogging you to retaliate with a lawsuit and you are informed it will ruin your career and the opportunity to get a good job in the future, yet you decide to not listen and do it any way, and your situation goes from really bad to catastrophic, that’s on you.
- The Mental Performance Coach will not be responsible if you lose your job, career, position or starting position on the team, removed from the roster/team, lose your social status, lose your social position in the community, lose membership to social organizations, lose your so called friends, lose your so called partner, girlfriend, or boy friend, fiancé, wife or husband, and your finances. The high majority of the time it has come down to jealously, paranoia, insecurity, no trust, scape goat syndrome, or greed for money.
- The Mental Performance Coach understands circumstances changes and requires a 48 hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your discussion time frame.
- No show or not answering of the Clients phone at the time of the scheduled discussion time equals the 100% guarantee null and void. The Client will be charged for the time regardless if they are not present during the scheduled discussion timeframe. Unless approved in writing prior to the scheduled discussion timeframe by the Mental Performance Coach.
- The Mental Performance Coach encounters, handles, and helps people in some of the most bizarre mental situations. In some cases there are situations where it is considered urgent and even an emergency. These are hard to plan for yet the Mental Performance Coach wants to keep his word to be there for each and every Client. In the event this type of situation develops and will impeded a previously scheduled timeframe, the previously scheduled timeframe will be notified as soon as possible, and depending on the severity and magnitude, an alternate time frame will be suggested and agreed on by both. Example: if Johnny or Jackie has a scheduled discussion timeframe and (1) hour prior Steve or Sherri notifies the Mental Performance Coach that they have just been subjected to a serious mental situation and they are reeling. They believe it is an “urgent” or “emergency” situation and it is determined it will take longer than a usual discussion and will not allow the scheduled discussion timeframe with Johnny or Jackie to happen. The Mental Performance Coach will promptly reach out to reschedule (and with no refunds, credits, or additional time expected from either party).
- From #16, should (2) separate clients believe the have an “urgent” or “emergency” mental situation develop at the same time requiring the Mental Performance Coach’s time, the Mental Performance Coach will promptly determine a few variables, including anticipation of timeframes, communicate to each client the game plan, next steps, and confirm with every party involved. Note – at this time, you are reading this, this situation has not occurred. There has a been a few tight situations yet no “at the same time”. Example: Jason arrived at the annual company business meeting’s dinner and when he went up to greet his boss, his manager at that time informed Jason he was slated to present during the evenings company business meeting/dinner. Jason was unaware of this requirement and Jason’s boss was trying to deep six him. Jason promptly called the Mental Performance Coach and got to work with the Mental Performance Coach to win in short order. Upon finishing the immediate work needed for Jason, the Mental Performance Coach received a call from Judy, very upset that her son was not on the roster for her sons sports game that night. Judy and the Mental Performance Coach worked together, as well as talked with her son (while Judy was on the phone), developed a course of action, confirmed the right mindset, steps to take by both Judy and her son.
- The Client agrees to pay for the time the Mental Performance Coach works from start to finish. The Client understands an estimate is an approximate calculation of time, “an estimate of what it would cost”, “a rough idea of how long it will take”. The Mental Performance Coach expects payment for work performed.
- As a Client, Client acknowledges and agrees that he/she alone is responsible for any property damage, verbal or physical misconduct give or received by the Client, bodily injury, or death caused by or received by the Client, his/her agents, substitutes, or employees.
- Client may not engage in any form of Mental Performance Coaching, Mental Skills Coaching, Life Coaching, and beyond the scope of services provided by the Mental Performance Coach to include yet not limited to: consulting, counseling, therapist, psychologist, and/or psychiatrist as a 3rd party company to a 3rd party client, during the relationship of Client and Company (The Ultimate Goal / TUG) and upon terminating agreement, regardless if Client should be hired by another organization as a employee, manager, consultant, independent contractor, sub-contractor, therapist, psychologist, and/or psychiatrist, partner, board member, shareholder, or any form of affiliation not mentioned above for a period not less than (2) years from the termination of this agreement in writing and accepted by both parties. In other words, you are not to take what we are working on or worked on and use the methodologies where you “the Client” would now be “the Company” (role reversal) to others.
- Referrals are not expected yet will be considered and accepted upon review the referral’s objectives and expectations.
- The referral must understand the conversations, previous and future work with the referral source remain in strict confidentiality.
- Tips or gratuity is never expected yet always appreciated.
- Client agrees to never post anything related or unrelated to The Ultimate Goal and or the Mental Performance Coach on-line, media, social media, press, tv, print, video, or anything that has a negative tone or negative image, regardless of what kind of day the Client is having or had, or what terrible things are going on in Client’s life.
Customer’s Printed Name
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Customer’s Signed Name Date